Children’s reflections on the relationship between nature and human beings in literary conversations about the picture book Les Deux Vieux et l’Arbre de vie [The Two Elders and the Tree of life]




sustainable development, critical thinking, picture book, reading project


This article explores a unique reading project involving a group of 4-5-year-old kindergarten kids and the French picture book Les Deux Vieux et l’Arbre de vie [The Two Elders and the Tree of life] by Patrick Fischmann, illustrated by Martine Bourre (2013). The project was a literary outreach project, and part of the artistic research project Lydhør i Kongsgården, focusing on the theme of seeds. The article delves into the expression of children's reflections on the relationship between nature and human beings within the context of literary conversations with the children.

Significantly, this project aligns with the United Nations' SDG No. 15, "Life on Earth," which places special emphasis on the conservation and development of forests. The project was inspired by a pedagogical approach to child-centric reading, emphasizing the children's autonomy and their capacity for constructing meaning (Solstad, 2015). Additionally, it draws on the ecocritical analysis model known as The Phyto Analyzes Map (Guanio-Uluru, 2021) to shed light on the complex interplay between trees and human beings as portrayed in children's literature.

Throughout the project, the children exhibited playful and thought-provoking reflections, particularly regarding the biological and nutritional conditions required for seed germination, as presented in the book. Moreover, they generated imaginative suggestions for novel forms of interaction between people and trees, grounded in an empathetic approach that considers the needs of both trees and people.

Author Biographies

Atle Krogstad, Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education

Atle Krogstad is associate professor at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education

Lise Hovik, Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education

Lise Hovik is professor at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education


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Book cover showing two elders and a tree




How to Cite

Krogstad, A., & Hovik, L. (2023). Children’s reflections on the relationship between nature and human beings in literary conversations about the picture book Les Deux Vieux et l’Arbre de vie [The Two Elders and the Tree of life]. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 12(2).