With an eye for the place through printmaking on clotheslines

An essay on how decay and places in the city become important in a collective creative process with woodcut





walking methodology, city walk, woodcut, aesthetic approach, narrative poetry, a/r/tography


The project “between” is a collaborative art project that resulted in printmaking on clotheslines, as part of the Haugesund International Woodcut (HIT) and AVTRYKK festival in 2019.

Through an a/r/tographic approach with walking as a method, we explored how a shared city walk with cameras as a sketch tool, provided impulses for the creative process in the printmaking studio. We explored woodcut in relation to place, history, traces, and texture. Five arts and craft teachers from the secondary schools in Haugesund participated as co-creators. The result was a site-specific printmaking installation, in a private backyard in Haugesund.

The choice of Haugesund city as both visual images for the woodcuts and the exhibition site, became crucial for the project. In this essay, we wish to examine the concept of place and reflect on how the aesthetic approach opened our eyes to the qualities of the place.

Photo: Katrine Borgenvik and Charlotte Tvedte

Author Biographies

Katrine Borgenvik, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Katrine Borgenvik is assistant professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, faculty of Education, Arts and Sports, Department of Arts Education.

Charlotte Tvedte, Sunnhordland Museum

Charlotte Tvedte is Head of Education at Sunnhordland Museum. She previously worked as assistant professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.


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How to Cite

Borgenvik, K., & Tvedte, C. (2024). With an eye for the place through printmaking on clotheslines: An essay on how decay and places in the city become important in a collective creative process with woodcut. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 13(3), 1–47. https://doi.org/10.7577/ar.5475