Artistic Research in Artists’ Books
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artistic research, artists’ books, interdisciplinary art projects, visual artSammendrag
The phenomenon of artistic research attracts considerable attention because of the growing integration between art, design and science. At the same time, it remains a challenging research subject that is interpreted differently by various scientists, designers and artists. This paper presents an attempt to investigate the relationship between artistic research and artistic practice, and the role of artistic research in artists’ books. It aims to present a brief history of artists’ books and show how various artists have captured the complex creative and artistic processes, results or stories behind the works of art.
The article also discusses the problem and potential of representation in artists´ books and examines them as an effective mechanism for disseminating findings of artistic research. To present the multifaceted action behind a work of art implies challenges. The author’s own attempt to capture knowledge from artistic research was challenged while working on a book project and will be part of the discussion. Finally, the study will illustrate how artists’ books contribute to the process of capturing reflections of artistic research and make the manifestations accessible to people outside of the formal context of the lecture halls.
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Opphavsrett 2022 Ingeborg Stana
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