Skyvelære (While Attempting to Balance)


  • Ellen Johanne Røed Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences



The video Skyvelære (While Attempting to Balance) portrays the 11th International Pyrheliometer Comparison Event (IPC-XI). Here, metrologists representing 45 different countries, accomplished the meticulous calibration of their Pyrheliometers, an instrument for measuring the energy emitted form the sun. Realized by artist Ellen Røed as part of her fellowship in artistic research at Bergen National Academy of Art and Design, it constitutes a reflection on the production of knowledge.

Composed of the words sliding and knowing, the norwegian term Skyvelære means caliper, a device which, by means of a set edge and a variable slide operated by the thumb, can be used to measure distance and depth in great detail. In the video, the production and use of units and set reference points are presented as a social project in which people relate to the world collectively.

The video was part of the final result of Røeds fellowship project that was presented as a solo exhibition in 2013. Here, the video was presented as a projection with surround sound. In this number of In Formation the video is presented as an individual piece of video art, accompagnied with a text.


Ellen Johanne Røed, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

Visual artist, Ellen Røed, developed her practice by combining technological experimentation with images and an interest in how those images function in a performative context. As a research fellow in visual arts at Bergen Academy of Art and Design, from 2009–2013, Røed employed a variety of instruments to explore parallels and contradictions between video art and natural sciences, all centered on how we relate to our surroundings. In her own research, she interviewed scientific researchers as a basis for making art. She also experimented by using scientific instruments to create images. The result was a number of works that reflected on randomness, gestures, improvisation, and other informal aspects of formal knowledge. These works were shown in the Skyvelære exhibition at Gallery 3,14 in Bergen from June to August 2013. This text has been developed on the basis of material written at Bergen Academy of Art and Design on the occasion of the exhibition.



Hvordan referere

Røed, E. J. (2013). Skyvelære (While Attempting to Balance). Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 2(2).



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