Splotting as an experience-based tool for participation and understanding of place in designing urban spaces
landscape architecture, social anthropology, method developmentAbstract
When starting up new development of a site, local and site-specific knowledge is crucial to achieve better planning, ownership, and improved end results. Increasingly, municipal administrations, planners, urbanists, and architects are getting even closer to citizens’ opinions and knowledge beyond what minimal participation required by law can give. At the same time, many professional actors lack both competence, resources and methods to be able to utilize input from participation processes. How can people’s personal stories and reflections become an important part of the knowledge foundation in a place making development process, and how do we get to people’s diverse experiences and meaning making in an effective and caring way? During the past decade of action research on youth participation in urban and regional development processes in Norway, we have developed a combined sketching exercise, dialogue tool and learning intervention that we have named “splotting”. Here we start with the basic question: Where do you feel good? The method is tested and developed in collaboration with among others local youth in Oslo and students of landscape architecture at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. It gives insights on the importance of places for people as users in everyday life, without use of predetermined categories thus avoiding the so called “role model trap”. Splotting is particularly suitable as a tool for dialogue-based participation processes within urban and regional place making, focusing on the design of public space as a social arena in disciplines like architecture, design, and social anthropology. The challenge has been to secure systematized documentation and reading of people’s reflections and to transfer and reinterpret it into actual design and plan drawings. The method has great potential for further development and can also be used transdisciplinary in collaboration with fields like art and culture, public health, and public sector development.
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