Narrative strategy

Online education in arts and crafts


  • Ellen Kathrine Baskår University of Southeast Norway



teacher education, arts and crafts, online teaching, narrative strategy


The subject of arts and crafts in teacher education, when taught online in real time and not face-to-face, has different prerequisites for the creation of motivation, engagement and participation in student groups. The form of instruction also needs to be different from that used in traditional classroom teaching to create and maintain good communication with the students and follow up on their academic work and learning. This article presents a study that used pedagogical action research as a method to examine teaching in two different student groups. Specifically, a narrative strategy was used. A narrative strategy, in this context, is an appropriate use of narrative in order to improve the subject-didactic arrangement in and around online education. I started the academic year by presenting the students with various challenges and possible solutions related to my own artistic development work with the aim of developing a common platform as a starting point for motivation for, participation in and communication about creative work. Observations of the different phases of the teaching process showed that the students developed their academic communication skills and their understanding of how learning relates to creative work. I find reason to link these positive experiences to the application of narrative strategy and discuss this strategy in relation to Bruner’s and Bandura’s theories of discovery learning and modelling.

Author Biography

Ellen Kathrine Baskår, University of Southeast Norway

Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education

Associate professor in Arts and Crafts


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How to Cite

Baskår, E. K. (2020). Narrative strategy: Online education in arts and crafts. FormAkademisk, 13(3).

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