Pictures on Walls – how Visual Manifestations define Muslim Spaces in Norwegian Homes


  • Birte Brekketo OsloMet



visual and religious identity, secular-religious, organization, diaspora


The aim of this article is to investigate how Norwegian Muslim families cope with dilemmas created by contradictory traditions, such as Islamic and Western traditions, and to explore how they construct their visual and religious identity living in diaspora. The article is based on research that includes interviews with twenty young informants. The informants explain that they and their families classify pictures into two main categories: Religious calligraphic pictures are treated according to customs and rituals in the home. When it comes to figurative pictures with secular focus, the situation is different. Some figurative pictures, especially photographic portraits, generate conflicts in the families. There are different points of views regarding such pictures in Islam. The photographic portrait is often perceived as an agent in its own right, it is considered to inspire the beholder’s imagination and to have a disturbing influence if situated in places of prayer. Many pray at home, and some organization of the homely space is required.


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How to Cite

Brekketo, B. (2021). Pictures on Walls – how Visual Manifestations define Muslim Spaces in Norwegian Homes. FormAkademisk, 14(1).




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