Perceptual Illusions in Norwegian Municipal Coats of Arms




Municipal coats of arms, visual perception, illusions, Heraldry, design


All 356 Norwegian municipalities have a unique municipal coat of arms, a visual symbol for municipal authority normally based on Heraldry. Municipal coats of arms were previously approved by the King in cabinet, but after 2018 all Norwegian municipalities could approve their own coats of arms. The design of the coats of arms can induce visual perceptual illusions which, again, could lead to misinterpretation of the visual symbols. Three categories of illusions could arise: Face-illusions, form-illusions, and Herrman grids. All Norwegian municipal coats of arms were analyzed and perceptual illusions were registered in 47 of them (13.2%). Most of the illusions were face-illusions, some were form-illusions and quite a few showed Herrman grids. The article emphasizes the importance of knowledge of visual perception for municipalites and designers. Norwegian municipal coats of arms should be designed to avoid perceptual illusions.


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How to Cite

Watten, R. G. (2023). Perceptual Illusions in Norwegian Municipal Coats of Arms. FormAkademisk, 16(1).

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