Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE)2025-02-28T12:45:27+01:00Halla Holmarsdottirhallab@oslomet.noOpen Journal Systems<p><em>The Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) </em>is the only journal in the Nordic countries specifically addressing themes within our field and serves as a connecting node for comparative scholars in, or interested in, the region. NJCIE is a <a href="">Diamond Open Access</a> journal following the Science Europe initiative working to strengthen Diamond Open Access in scholarly publishing.</p> <p>We invite papers that seek to analyze educational discourse, policy and practice and their implications for teaching and learning, and particularly invite papers investigating topics through an interdisciplinary lens focusing on new insights and fostering critical debate about the role of education in diverse societies. <em>NJCIE</em> is concerned with the interplay of local, national, regional and global contexts shaping education. The ways in which local understandings can bring to light the trends, effects and influences that exist in different contexts globally highlight the general understanding of Comparative and International Education in <em>NJCIE</em>.</p> <p>All papers should include a comparative and/or international dimension. Furthermore, all contributions must engage with wider theories and debates in the field of comparative and international education and include a Nordic and/or global perspective.</p> <p><em>NJCIE</em> invites Nordic and international contributions alike. The journal includes research from all geographic regions in the world. The journal invites contributions in English and all official Nordic languages. <em>NJCIE</em> aims for four issues per year.</p> Schooling2025-02-24T23:33:54+01:00Jeremy Jiménezjeremydjimenez@gmail.com2025-03-04T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jeremy Jiménez Thinking in Nordic Teacher Education and Schools2024-12-04T13:30:40+01:00Mads Middelboe Rehder mamr@kp.dkKalle Juutikalle.juuti@helsinki.fiKatarina Pajchelkapaj@oslomet.noThomas Frågåtthomas.fragat@inn.noLouise Mifsudlomi@oslomet.no2024-12-19T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mads Middelboe Rehder , Kalle Juuti, Katarina Pajchel, Thomas Frågåt, Louise Mifsud Shadows of Internationalisation2024-10-03T23:24:22+02:00Svetlana Shenderovasvetlana.shenderova@tuni.fiSuvi Jokilasuvi.jokila@utu.fiSaule Anafinovasaule.anafinova@gmail.comYingxin (Margaret) Sharmaharshita2792@gmail.comNatalya<p>This forum proposes the use of concept of “shadows” in the analysis of internationalisation policies to make visible the decision-making processes and practices appearing at all levels of internationalisation policies. We focus on the problematic effects appeared at the intersect of internationalisation policies implemented by the countries perceived academic values differently on example of Finland as the EU member state and pre-war Russia. We consider these effects as preventing equal access to quality higher education and life-long learning for all (SDG4, target 4.3). The forum conceptualises the lessons of the EU/Finnish-Russian internationalisation for further usage the suggested theoretical lens in policy implementation in other countries developed their own internationalisation policy on different value basis. This study address to what happens when the internationalisation policies promoted European view on fundamental academic values, are implemented with such policies in the countries where these values are perceived in another way. We answer the question of how and why the shadows of internationalisation appear and have an impact at a macro-, meso-, and micro-level, and conceptualize them for future policy improvement. The forum discusses the implications of internationalisation policies from the practice perspective and what might be learnt by the stakeholders previously involved in these cooperation partnerships.</p>2024-11-12T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Svetlana Shenderova, Suvi Jokila, Saule Anafinova, Yingxin (Margaret) Liu, Harshita Sharma, Natalya Steane competencies in job advertisements for teachers2024-12-06T19:32:55+01:00Ville Mankkiville.a.mankki@jyu.fiMirva Heikkilämirva.heikkila@utu.fiLauri Kemppinenlaukem@utu.fiRiitta-Leena Metsä<p>Teaching requires a diverse range of competencies. This study investigates teacher competencies articulated in job advertisements for teaching positions in Finland. Given the global teacher recruitment challenges, particularly in rural schools, and the regional differentiation within Finland, the study also examines the variations across rural, semi-urban, and urban municipalities. Data were collected from a centralized recruitment website, resulting in 596 job advertisements for class teacher positions. A deductive qualitative content analysis was performed using the individual teacher competencies defined in the multidimensional adapted process model of teaching (Metsäpelto et al., 2022) as a framework. The findings highlight the prevalence of teacher competencies related to knowledge base of teaching and learning, social skills, and personal orientations. Notably, advertisements from rural municipalities featured fewer competencies compared to those from semi-urban and urban municipalities. By illustrating the desired teacher competencies in the field, this study provides a valuable tool for evaluating and developing teacher education goals and teacher recruitment strategies.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ville Mankki, Mirva Heikkilä, Lauri Kemppinen, Riitta-Leena Metsäpelto parents’ experiences and perspectives on the early childhood education stages in Nordic contexts2024-10-10T11:50:00+02:00Samah M. Migdadsamah.migdad@uib.noKjersti Leakjersti.lea@uib.noMartin M. Sjø<p>To explore the state of research on immigrant parents’ experiences in early childhood education (ECE) stages, we conducted a literature review through a qualitative meta-synthesis of 22 studies. Guided by sociocultural theory, which emphasizes the co-construction of meaning and the interplay between individual agency and social context, the synthesis highlights both the barriers immigrant parents face and opportunities for enhancing inclusion and support within Nordic ECE contexts. While the articles acknowledge these challenges, they also found that some parents increasingly appreciate Nordic ECE values and practices over time. Communication emerges as a central theme in the reviewed literature; it deeply impacts the integration process of immigrant parents in Nordic ECE systems. Synthesized findings across the studies highlight communication as a key factor shaping parents’ experiences within the categories of “initial experiences and adaptation,” “parental concerns,” and “cultural and social integration.” The review reveals a predominance of host-country researchers, the majority being female, with minority groups underrepresented, which could potentially lead to biases. Despite methodological limitations that impact the understanding of immigrant parents' experiences, the studies offer valuable insights into the parents’ reported experiences and provide a foundation for improving inclusivity and understanding in Nordic ECE.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Samah M. Migdad, Kjersti Lea, Martin M. Sjøen and multilingual educator professionalism2024-10-07T15:47:47+02:00Ulla Lundqvistulla.lundqvist@oslomet.noSigne Hvid Thingstrupthin@kp.dkAnnika Å<p class="Abstract" style="line-height: 125%;"><span lang="EN-GB">This article investigates how multicultural and multilingual educator professionalism unfolds as a dynamic phenomenon among educators in Danish and Swedish preschools and primary schools. Reflexive dialogues were produced with educators in three different action research studies. These dialogues were analysed by employing conceptual approaches of educator professionalism, equity pedagogy, and multicultural and multilingual education. The analyses show how the educators: (i) critically examine their constructions of pupils/children, (ii) develop increasingly broad views on how knowledge and learning can be productively produced in classroom interaction, and (iii) show awareness about societal language ideologies. The educators’ nuanced reflections on their own pedagogical practices displayed contradictions and ambivalences. We argue that the educators’ reflections point to possible renewals of pedagogical practices that place multiculturalism and multilingualism at the centre of educator professionalism. </span></p>2025-01-23T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ulla Lundqvist, Signe Hvid Thingstrup, Annika Åkerblom for kvalitet i høyere utdanning2024-12-02T16:13:59+01:00Ane Bergersenane.bergersen@hvl.noPrisca Bruno<p>Student mobility has long been a desired form of internationalization in higher Education in Norway. Previous research shows increased personal, professional and intercultural competencies after their stay in Zambia and Tanzania. In this paper, we shed light on how cooperation partners in Zambia and Tanzania, through equal knowledge exchange and positions, can contribute to strengthening the quality of student mobility from Norway. We conducted qualitative interviews with six coordinators in Zambia and Tanzania to learn from their reflections regarding student mobility from Norway. The themes discussed in the interviews are student mobility, global justice and de-colonial awareness. The theoretical framework is critical pedagogy and de-colonialization, which analyses power, positions, and pluriversity in international cooperation. Our findings indicate the reproduction of colonial structures and more academic responsibility to colleagues in Zambia and Tanzania, and they suggest adequate preparations with particular learning outcomes to increase the quality of student mobility.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ane Bergersen, Prisca Bruno Massao narratives about multicultural parental collaboration in early childhood education and care2025-01-23T12:01:42+01:00Anne Grethe SønsthagenAnne.grethe.sonsthagen@hvl.noPrisca Bruno<p>This study examines what racialized narratives emerge when staff in two Norwegian early childcare centers discuss multicultural parental collaboration. Results stem from a re-analysis of the narratives from two focus group interviews from a previous study that focused on staff conversations about their descriptions of their collaboration with parents and families with refugee backgrounds. Theoretically, the study draws on symbolic power and violence theories, white privilege, and critical race theory. The results were dominated by two main narratives: Normality and Language. Normality narratives appear to emphasize whiteness and Norwegianess as the norms that all parents are expected to follow, and parents who do not conform risk being alienated and generalized as representatives of "the others." Language narrative highlights the place the Norwegian language occupies in judging parents' and children's abilities and ways of interaction. Given the importance placed on parents and children mastering the Norwegian language for future success in Norwegian society, other forms of communication and interactions are devalued and condemned, marginalizing parents and children struggling to learn and understand the Norwegian language and culture. The consequences of these narratives minimize the early childcare center’s role as a bridging institution.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Anne Grethe Sønsthagen, Prisca Bruno Massao exceptionalism2024-12-01T16:24:49+01:00Joffy Conollyjconolly@univ.yo.oulu.fiGetahun Yacob Abrahamgetahun_yacob.abraham@hb.seAne Bergersenane.bergersen@hvl.noKari Bratlandkarilova@oslomet.noKirsten Jægerkirstenj@ikl.aau.dkAnnie Aarup Jensenaaj@ikl.aau.dkInger<p>The idea of Nordic countries as benevolent, egalitarian nations largely innocent of colonialism, is increasingly challenged by researchers. Yet, there is still reluctance within Nordic education systems to properly examine issues of coloniality, race, and white privilege. In this conceptual paper we first draw on research from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden to deconstruct the notion of Nordic exceptionalism. We highlight a shared history of colonial complicity and ongoing coloniality towards Indigenous and minoritised groups. We also show that the Nordic emphasis on societal equality is based on a narrative of cohesion, an <em>imagined sameness</em>, that increasingly fails to reflect their diverse populations. This egalitarian ideology results in colour-blindness in society and an unwillingness to acknowledge or confront issues of race, white supremacy, or inequality for fear of disturbing the equilibrium.</p> <p>Using decolonial theory, we then suggest that within education, Nordic exceptionalism has led to a singular historical narrative and attempts to assimilate minoritised groups, in the process valorising Western epistemology. Educators either dismiss, or are ignorant of, what Quijano (2000) terms the <em>colonial matrix of power</em>: the system of Western domination that continues to normalise epistemic violence and devalue other knowledges and perspectives. Educators prefer to protect white sensitivities rather than allow critical discussion and uncomfortable questions of coloniality. We demonstrate that Nordic education needs to decolonise itself, but that this cannot be achieved until it overcomes a <em>discomfort with difference</em> that prevents alternative knowledges and practices from being valued or adopted. We conclude with some thoughts on how to begin this process.</p>2025-01-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Joffy Conolly, Getahun Yacob Abraham, Ane Bergersen, Kari Bratland, Kirsten Jæger, Annie Aarup Jensen, Inger Lassen tosprogede elever være ordblinde?2025-02-28T12:45:27+01:00Hatice Secilmis<p>Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading and writing difficulties, yet bilingual students diagnosed with dyslexia are significantly underrepresented in Danish public schools. This article examines how knowledge about dyslexia and bilingual students is constructed and problematised in educational policies on, using Carol Bacchi’s WPR approach <em>(What’s the Problem Represented to Be?).</em> The analysis reveals a clear distinction between the categories, where dyslexia is primarily understood as a neurobiological condition, while bilingual students’ reading difficulties are framed through a linguistic and deficit-oriented perspective that focuses on their Danish language proficiency and reading comprehension. This discursive separation results in bilingual students’ reading difficulties rarely being recognised as related to phonological decoding challenges or dyslexia. The article discusses the potential implications of this representation for educational practices, including challenges in detecting and supporting bilingual students with dyslexia, as well as how policies may contribute to underdiagnosis, overdiagnosis, and misdiagnosis of this student group.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hatice Secilmis Filikci Global Education Policy Research2024-08-06T12:29:36+02:00Oshie<p>In Finland, doctoral candidates are required to give an introductory lecture as part of their public dissertation defense. This lecture provides the audience with background information on the phenomenon studied in the dissertation, discusses the main results and central arguments, and proposes the potential contributions of the research. This paper is based on the author’s dissertation, entitled ‘Reimagining Global Education Policy Research: The Case of the European Language Framework (CEFR) Transfer to Japan’ (Nishimura-Sahi, 2024; 2020; 2022; Nishimura-Sahi & Piattoeva, 2024).</p>2024-10-17T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Oshie Nishimura-Sahi asymmetries in international doctoral education2024-09-06T12:52:07+02:00Elizabeth Agbor Etaelizabeth.eta@helsinki.fiNico Stockmann nico.stockmann@helsinki.fiHanna Kontiohanna.kontio@helsinki.fiElina Lehtomäki<p class="Abstract" style="text-align: left; line-height: 125%;" align="left"><span lang="EN-GB">Critical discourses of internationalisation of higher education and decoloniality have motivated this study unfolding global asymmetries present in Finnish doctoral education in the field of educational sciences. The data are doctoral dissertations related to education development in Africa completed at Finnish universities between 2000–2021 (N=100). We first describe the regional distribution and educational contexts where the research is located through a content analysis. Second, we conduct a network analysis of the institutional affiliations of co-authors of article-based dissertations, supervisors, and examiners of the doctoral dissertations and map the institutional connections in doctoral education. Then we present and discuss the findings from the content analysis, the dissertation mapping, and the institutional network analysis against the discourses of internationalisation and decoloniality that influence doctoral education in Finland and beyond. Finally, we reflect on implications for internationalisation of doctoral education in internationalised contexts, especially in North-South collaborations.</span></p>2024-11-19T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elizabeth Agbor Eta, Nico Stockmann , Hanna Kontio, Elina Lehtomäki of Digital Technology Management in Mathematics Learning2024-09-03T06:25:40+02:00Muh.<p>The rapid advancement of digital technology necessitates that teachers enhance their competencies in the teaching and learning process of mathematics. This study aims to evaluate the demographic factors affecting teachers' use of digital technology and their digital skills, explore the frequency of online learning platform usage in relation to teachers' digital skills, and identify challenges while providing recommendations for integrating technology into mathematics instruction through a Sequential Explanatory Design mixed-methods approach. The quantitative sample consisted of 104 mathematics teachers, with 14 teachers selected as respondents for the qualitative phase. Data collection instruments included questionnaires, structured interviews, and non-participant observations, with quantitative data analyzed using Jamovi software, and qualitative data manually coded and thematically analyzed using an inductive-deductive approach. The findings indicate that employment status, teaching experience, and school level significantly influence the use of digital technology in teaching mathematics. Teachers who are government employees under contract, have over 10 years of teaching experience, and teach at the middle or high school level tend to integrate technology more effectively. Consequently, government policies and educational programs for technology development should prioritize teachers irrespective of their employment status, offering continuous training (both online and offline) focused on mathematics.</p>2024-09-24T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Fitrah, Caly Setiawan, Widihastuti, Yudince Marinding, Herianto Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development2024-05-21T23:23:47+02:00Robert J. Didhamrobert.didham@inn.noHiroki TorkarGregor.Torkar@pef.uni-lj.si2024-05-24T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Robert J. Didham, Hiroki Fujii, Gregor Torkar Development, Education and Learning: The Challenge of Inclusive, Quality Education for All2024-05-08T15:26:13+02:00Hiroki<p><em>Review of the book authored by Victoria W. Thoresen, Agenda Publishing, 2023</em></p>2024-05-24T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hiroki Fujii