Multitasking and acting

healthcare apprentices' strategies to meet demands and expectations




Lærlinger i helsearbeiderfaget, hjemmesykepleie, krav og kontroll, emosjonelt arbeid


There is a growing need to recruit and retain health professionals. Much of the care has been transferred to the municipalities, hospital stays have decreased and patients are sicker when they return home. In this complex and emotional working context, the apprentices must develop as professionals. The health worker education and the community of practice must facilitate competence that makes students and apprentices able to meet the demands and expectations they encounter in the profession. The research question the article answers is: How do apprentices in the health profession experience demands and expectations during the apprenticeship in home nursing care?

Individual interviews and observations were considered an acceptable method. 12 apprentices and newly qualified health care professionals were interviewed individually. Two of the apprentices were followed and observed by the first author over 5 days in practice. The study shows how healthcare apprentices maneuver in a field consisting of different demands and expectations. In homecare nursing, the time of the individual patient is limited. They acquire organizational skills such as multitasking, acting, prioritizing, adapting and setting boundaries. This means that they perform several tasks at the same time, have double attention in situations, they hide internal stress, and they adapt to the patients at the same time as they prioritize and set limits. Skills that seem necessary both in the work of looking after a decision-based work list consisting of a varied and complex group of patients living at home, as well as necessary to be equipped as a future healthcare worker.


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How to Cite

Martinsen Watz, S., & Ingstad, K. (2023). Multitasking and acting: healthcare apprentices’ strategies to meet demands and expectations. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 8(1), 80–100.



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