
P&P mainly publishes traditional research articles. However, we also accept essay submissions engaging with topics within the state and scope of the journal. Essays refer to an argumentative style of writing, and these submissions may be problematizing, explorative and discursive. Essays bring original insights to the field of professions and professionalism by, for instance interpreting past developments in the field, perhaps with a personal or biographical tone bringing attention to emerging and important but previously overlooked or repressed topics, research questions, theories or areas of inquiry in the field. Essays may also provide reflections on the field from an 'outsider' perspective and 'fertilizing' it with concepts, theories and discussions from other fields of inquiry.

We expect the same high quality for essay publications as for research articles; they need to be focused on specified topics; follow a clear argument with a logical progression; and engage with updated research literature in the respective field. Essays do not go through double-blind peer review, however, but they are reviewed by the journal editors. Essays should also be a bit shorter than regular articles (6 000 words, including references). Interested authors may discuss their ideas with the Editors-in-Chief.