Starving at the Laid Table? Journalism, Digitalization and Corporate Capitalism


  • Christiane Schnell Institute of Social Research at the Goethe-University Frankfurt



Professional journalism fulfills an important role in modern democracies, while always standing with one leg in the public sphere and the other in the private media economy. Within the era of digitalization, the limits of a market-driven professionalism become apparent. Since information appears to be easily accessible due to new media, journalism lost its role as a gatekeeper for “what the world needs to know”. But dropping an anachronistic idea of professional authority—as reform projects within the journalistic profession demanded for decades—does not necessarily lead to a more open and participatory public sphere. On the contrary, the chance for reliable news seems to shrink in the everyday flood of information. Facing a severe shortage of professionalism against the background of an oversupply in the field of journalism might indicate a general paradox of contemporary societies.



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How to Cite

Schnell, C. (2018). Starving at the Laid Table? Journalism, Digitalization and Corporate Capitalism. Professions and Professionalism, 8(3).

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