The sonographer dilemma: Ultrasound follow-up in patients with small gallbladder polyps

The sonographer dilemma


  • Malene Roland Vils Pedersen Department of Radiology, Vejle Hospital, Beriderbakken 4, DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark



Sonographer, Ultrasound, Follow-Up, Gallbladder Polyps


What should sonographers recommend to patients diagnosed with small gallbladder polyps? Is follow-up always the solution? And for how many years should we encourage patients to participate in a follow-up ultrasound program? This tutorial discusses current research and guidelines. 


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How to Cite

Pedersen, M. R. V. (2021). The sonographer dilemma: Ultrasound follow-up in patients with small gallbladder polyps: The sonographer dilemma. Radiography Open, 7(1), 79–82.



Tutorials/Continuing Medical Education (CME)

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