Radiography students´ experience using e-learning module in the subject nuclear medicine

Radiografstudenters erfaring ved bruk av en nettbasert studiemodul i emnet nukleærmedisin. Hvordan kan nettbaserte studiemoduler bidra til motivasjon og aktivitet?




Bachelor's degree in radiography is a high-tech health education. The subject nuclear medicine has been characterized by traditional and passive teaching methods with demotivated and inactive radiography students. As a tool to promote student activity, motivation, and learning, we developed and applied a new digital online teaching module in the subject nuclear medicine. In this study, we seek answers to how different learning resources, activities and especially how an online teaching module affect the student's motivation, activity level and learning outcomes. We used an evaluation to obtain quantitative data from the radiography students' assessments and to elaborate answers related to the questionnaire we conducted a group interview. The online modules were described as motivating, activating, and provided better learning outcomes. Moreover, exam-relevant tests, feedbacks, as well as structure and information were perceived as important factors for motivation, activity and learning outcomes. Our main findings suggest that use of an online module should be designed in a pedagogic and a didactic way that promotes the cognitive and social aspect of learning in relation to the topic.


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How to Cite

Johansen, K. J. ., & Fjellaksel, R. (2022). Radiography students´ experience using e-learning module in the subject nuclear medicine: Radiografstudenters erfaring ved bruk av en nettbasert studiemodul i emnet nukleærmedisin. Hvordan kan nettbaserte studiemoduler bidra til motivasjon og aktivitet?. Radiography Open, 8(1).




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