“Trembling Moments”

To develop methods for co-creating data with pupils in the kulturskole





Research methods, making data, kulturskole, pupils, performative approach


In this article, the authors investigate making data with pupils in the kulturskole through the exploration of a performative paradigm. There seems to be a lack of knowledge concerning how the pupils see their place in and engagement with the kulturskole. When we started working with the pupils, a request emerged to not only observe and interview them, but also to hear their stories and understandings of being with the kulturskole. These processes are, throughout the article, described and understood as methodologically developmental when working with pupils. We attempt to bridge a qualitative approach into a post-qualitative performative thinking about making data. The article contributes explorations into what data can be and how to make data with pupils.


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How to Cite

Hauen, M., & Klungland, M. (2023). “Trembling Moments”: To develop methods for co-creating data with pupils in the kulturskole. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5031

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