Teateranmeldelser som tekster i lærerutdanning – med utgangspunkt i Det Norske Teatrets Edda, 2017


  • Stig Audun Eriksson
  • Bjørg Oddrun Hallås
  • Eldar Heide
  • Bente Opheim Brathetland
  • Per Bjørnar Grande
  • Mette Bøe Lyngstad




The article discusses eight reviews of the theatre production Edda at the Norwegian Theatre in Oslo in 2017. The authors have developed the article collectively, based on our common interest in myths and stories, anchored in the research group «Mythology, folk tale and story-telling in education and pedagogy» at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) in Bergen. The authors are researchers and teacher educators in various fields of study. The concrete starting point for the article is Robert Wilson’s Edda-production, and its reviews. Our intention is to contribute to enhancing student teachers’ cultural competence by exemplifying how theatre reviews can be applied in an educational context. Through a hermeneutic and pedagogical approach based on the different authors’ professional vantage points, we discuss how theatre reviews can be utilised as study texts. Although the article relates to a particular production, it can still serve as an exemplary model of how teacher educators can apply theatre reviews in different fields of study – and, perhaps, even inspire to experience theatre.



How to Cite

Eriksson, S. A., Hallås, B. O., Heide, E., Brathetland, B. O., Grande, P. B., & Lyngstad, M. B. (2019). Teateranmeldelser som tekster i lærerutdanning – med utgangspunkt i Det Norske Teatrets Edda, 2017. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/information.v8i1.3341



Articles, peer reviewed