Nuclear radiation dose to the surroundings from patients who are undergoing nuclear medicine examinations


  • Liv-Inger Stenstad Operating Room of the Future, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim
  • Geir Andre Pedersen Nuclear Medicine Department, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim
  • Andreas Dypvik Landmark SINTEF Technology & Society, Industrial Management, Trondheim
  • Berit Brattheim Sør-Trøndelag University College, dept. of Radiography, Trondheim


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Nuclear medicine, radiation dose, radiation protection, radiopharmaceutical, nuclear medicine technologist, surroundings, quantative research methodology


The worldwide 2009 estimates for the average annual per-capita effective radiation dose from medicine have doubled during the past 15 years. This has increased the concern for patients as radiation sources. The existing evidence indicates that the amount of radiation is small; but there are few empirical studies with results documenting the actual extent. In this study, we examined the radiation from 48 patients undergoing nuclear medical examination. 20 patients were examined with bone scintigraphy, 20 underwent MUGA, while the remaining 8 went through octreotide scintigraphy procedure. At 0.25 meters from the patient, the radiation ranged from 31±9 µSvh-1 for octreotide scintigraphy patients (111-In as agent), 69±13 µSvh-1 for bone scintigraphy (99mTc), to 92±26 µSvh-1 for the MUGA patients (99mTc). On the basis of these findings and others, one may consider current practices regarding waiting and using led shielding in areas where appropriate. Perhaps, and more important, these results could be used to improve patient and staff education. Better information material with more evidence will reduce undue anxiety.


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Hvordan referere

Stenstad, L.-I., Pedersen, G. A., Dypvik Landmark, A., & Brattheim, B. (2014). Nuclear radiation dose to the surroundings from patients who are undergoing nuclear medicine examinations. Radiography Open, 1(1), 7.




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