
  • CALL FOR PAPERS TO SPECIAL ISSUE: "Dear Science: Livingness, Politics and Rethinking “Algorithmic” Reasoning(s) in Educational Research Methodologies"


    Guest Editors: Sun Young Lee, Wichita State University; David Lee Carlson, Arizona State University

    This special issue aims to interrogate how “science” works as algorithmic reasoning(s) in educational research methodologies, taming or predicting what we do as educational researchers to explore the problems that we care about. We seek to explore the politics of “science” in educational research methodologies in terms of governing practices, which involves the ironies of doing science. It is ironic in that if the algorithmic reasoning(s) are successful, they only serve the person’s interests in which their desires are also shaped by the algorithmic reasoning(s) that they are already part of. If those algorithms perpetuate the historical conditions that are racialized, colonialized, and imperialized, as McKittrick (2021) argues, do we want to follow or be “outside” of algorithmic reasoning (Pleasants et al., 2023; Wynter, 2001); and, even if this is possible (or not), particularly in educational research? For this special issue, we invite authors to engage Katherine McKittrick’s (2021) work on critical interrogation of science, algorithmic reasoning(s), and livingness in (un)doing educational research and its methodologies with the following questions. Please read the full call below.

    Timeline & Submission:
    Abstracts should be submitted via email to Sun Young Lee ( and David Lee Carlson ( by February 15, 2025.

    ● Abstracts (300-500 words, not including references): February 15, 2025
    ● Invitations for Full Articles: March 15, 2025
    ● Article Submissions (5,000-8,000 words): August 1, 2025
    ● Peer Review of Submissions: August 1 – October 15, 2025
    ● Revisions: October 15 – December 15, 2025
    ● Final Submissions Due: December 15, 2025
    ● Entire Issue Submitted to Journal: January 15, 2026

    Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS TO SPECIAL ISSUE: "Dear Science: Livingness, Politics and Rethinking “Algorithmic” Reasoning(s) in Educational Research Methodologies"