Special issue title: Mattering seductions in undisciplined qualitative inquiry





Returning is a paradox; even more so as an orientation to(wards) the seductive forces that we return (to) throughout this special Issue. One can return and never return all at once. Return is like a wave; it turns itself – returns that never return to how it was in the beginning. There is no clearly identifiable beginning; there is no end or ending. This introduction desires to do exactly that: to fold our academic-writing-matter in the mess and mass of such academic workings. Theory and theoretical contexts seduce us and we would like to share some forces of that seduction with you, our readers. And yet!  We sit in this writing  with the (im)possibilities in such desires for sharing. Seduction might not communicate itself, might not show its character and elements, and it might not even produce something tangible and sharable. In such absence, will seduction be at work then? Will diffractive forces of seduction be muted and decapitated? Might the seduced and seductive body of academic-writing-matter matter in its absence? This introduction will … [hmmm!  This impulse to identify a neat start, an originary point, operates as a such a strong force]


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Author Biographies

Neil Carey, Manchester Metropolitan University

Neil Carey is a Visiting Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

His Ph.D. explored creative fiction and autoethnography as queer disruptor for socio-cultural stories attaching to (homo)sexuality. As well as emerging work on internationalization

of higher education, research interests focus on queerly discursive and disruptive

methodologies. He co-authored Discourse: the basics’ (2017) and Knowledge Production in Material Spaces: Disturbing Conferences and Composing Events (2021) for Routledge

Angelo Benozzo, University of Valle D’Osta, Italy

Angelo Benozzo is a senior lecturer in Work and Organizational Psychology and Qualitative Research Methods and researcher at the University of Valle d’Aosta, Italy. His research interests include emotions and emotion work, gender and sexual identity in organizations and in the workplace, action research, postqualitative research methodologies, and critical discourse analysis. He organizes the Special Interest Group (SIG) in Psychology within the International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry. He has recently published articles in: Gender, Work and Organizations, Journal of Vocational Behaviors, Qualitative Inquiry, Sexualities, and Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies. He is currently an Associate Editor of Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal.

Mirka Koro, Arizona State University, USA

Mirka Koro (Ph.D., University of Helsinki) is a Professor of qualitative research at the Arizona State University. Her scholarship operates in the intersection of methodology, philosophy, and socio-cultural critique and her work aims to contribute to methodological knowledge, experimentation, and theoretical development across various traditions associated with qualitative research. She has published in various qualitative and educational journals and she is the author of Reconceptualizing qualitative research: Methodologies without methodology (2016) published by SAGE and co-editor of Disrupting data in qualitative inquiry: Entanglements with the Post-Critical and PostAnthropocentric (2017) by Peter Lang.

Teija Rantala, University of Turku

I co-work, publish and lecture within several international and interdisciplinary feminist research communities. As a feminist scholar, I am passionate about research ethics and collaborative creative methodologies that extend beyond the traditional researcher-led knowledge formation. My book titled “Exploring Data Production in Motion” was published by Myers Education Press in 2019. Currently, my interest is especially on using creative and sensory methods to study affect in the processes of women's bodily self-determination after engaging from conservative religious movement within reproductive justice and ecological sustenance framework. 


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How to Cite

Carey, N., Benozzo, A., Koro, M., & Rantala, T. (2022). Special issue title: Mattering seductions in undisciplined qualitative inquiry. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.4231

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