A sketchbook on seduction, or the urging into the Indefatigable Unknown





Philosophy as method, post-qualitative inquiry, Narrative, Sketching, Seduction


This paper presents a sketchbook on the concept of seduction.  A sketchbook is a collection of episodic moments of musings through a particular philosophical concept.  It operates between the notion of philosophy as method and issues related to the articulation of qualitative inquiry.  In this instance, seduction is seen as the urging into the indefatigable unknown of the initial moments preceding inquiry.  This paper proposes shifting perspective from research design to an attunement into immanence.


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How to Cite

Lee Carlson, D. (2022). A sketchbook on seduction, or the urging into the Indefatigable Unknown. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.4924

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