Concepts as light seductions




concepts, seduction, fabulation, posthuman theory


Guidance to the readers: This conceptual paper discusses seduction as a form of light obsession. We are especially interested in thinking about/with/in fabulating concepts as one of the vital, yet slightly seductive, parts of academic research. The vitality and obsessivity in thinking, writing and researching, also speak to seduction’s influence in making concepts, in articulating experiences, and in creating new language and knowledge with/in Academia. We explore seduction in the fabulation of concepts through various spaces and practices.  We hold here, that, in this process of fabulation, scholars, data, theories, concepts, and matter, both seduce and are seduced. In the attempt to illustrate the workings of seduction, and to offer examples of conceptualizing our experience of being seduced in these fabulations, we draw upon two altogether different kind of events; theoretically seductive encounters between two scholars, and a methodologically seductive workshop with graduate students. We use Manning, Massumi, Deleuze and Baudrillard as conversation partners to think fabulation through seductive relationality, a focus which lets our dialogues pivot around in more or less intentional ways


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How to Cite

Rantala, T., & Koro, M. (2022). Concepts as light seductions. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(1).

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