Re-turning the Child in Educational Research Methodology




Agencement, Ecology of practices, Minor events, Children's participation in research, Matters of concern


The methodological approaches we explore in this article are anchored in Manning’s (2016) concept agencement and Barad’s (2014) concept re-turning. By re-turning the soil of our doctoral dissertations (Westgaard Bjelkerud, 2022, Moxnes, 2019) and exploring agencement as a way of activating the child in research, we draw attention to minor issues within the ecologies of research practices. According to Manning the minor works through the major as a force from within, problematizing the major’s standardisations, opening norms and experiences to variations and potentialities. We re-turn our doctoral projects to actualise minor events by discussing the child as knower; childspacesmattering and child-events. Hence propose the child as political through agencement, and from this thinking of the child in research differently.


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Author Biographies

Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud, University of Inland Norway

Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Faculty of education, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and works as teacher educator in pedagogy. 

Anna Rigmor Moxnes, University of South-Eastern Norway

Anna Rigmor Moxnes, PhD, is Associate Professor at the department of pedagogy, University of South-Eastern Norway and works as teacher educator in pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Westgaard Bjelkerud, A., & Moxnes, A. R. (2024). Re-turning the Child in Educational Research Methodology. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 15(2).

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