Special issue: Turning the tides; the child and the political. Methodologies for integraled child politics in education





This Special Issue concerns the child and the political: the political child.

The call for papers asked for immanent and minor (transpolitical, transgenerational, decolonized…) perspectives in which child and childhood are seen as moulding collective futuring forces in a globalized world. The call asked to refrain from rights perspectives in a narrow juridical sense to avoid any type of categorization and compartmentalization. The call also asked to avoid universalized, major, or idealistic politics of the child, and as Marina Garcés (2022) asserts: “The   western humanistic tradition must leave the expansive universalism and learn to think of itself from a mutual universality” (p. 92). Being human is thus seen as a collective and collaborative activity ultimately repealing any divisions between subject and object, adult and child, nature and culture, body and mind. What can children teach us about politics, we asked, and how can the child become more than an object of policies? Further, we asked what kind of childhoods are desirable, necessary, and possible to future?


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Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (2004). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia. The University of Minnesota Press.

Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1994) What is Philosophy? Columbia University Press.

Garcés, M. (2022). For en ny opplysningstid/Radical new illustration. H//O//F

Reinertsen, A.B. (2021) The Art of Not Knowing: The Position of Non-Knowledge as Activisms. International Review of Qualitative Research. 14(3) 476–482. https://doi.org/10.1177/1940844720948067




How to Cite

Reinertsen, A. B., Andersen , C. E., & Otterstad, A. M. (2024). Special issue: Turning the tides; the child and the political. Methodologies for integraled child politics in education. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.6154

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