Pupils’ experiences of learning analytics visualizations in supporting self-regulated learning in an elementary school classroom
self-regulated learning, learning analytics, elementary school pupilsAbstract
The importance of self-regulated learning (SRL) has become increasingly apparent. Further, technology-enhanced learning provides novel ways to support this while different technologies have changed the learning environments. The aim of this study was to investigate the perspectives of 5th–6th grade pupils on learning analytics and self-regulated learning during a phenomenon-based learning module in a blended learning environment. A total of 89 pupils participated in the learning module and were observed. Furthermore, ten pupils were interviewed after completing a learning module. A qualitative content analysis was conducted. The results revealed that, overall, pupils experience of self-regulated learning and learning analytics was positive. The pupils perceived the digital learning and learning analytics as functional and motivating, and some pupils stated that it helped their learning. Also, the pupils became increasingly self-directed during the study module. However, setting goals and managing to follow them appeared to be quite difficult for many of the pupils. The findings imply that a learning management system, which is built to support self-regulated learning may support the development of pupils’ self-regulation and guide their ability to learn independently as well as with their peers.
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