Assessing university students’ study-related burnout and academic well-being in digital learning environments
A systematic literature review
Digital learning environment, Digital assessment, Academic well-being, Study-related burnout, Systematic literature reviewAbstract
Previous research suggested a strong connection between students’ experiences of traditional learning environments and study-related burnout (Brown et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2017; Meriläinen, 2014; Kuittinen & Meriläinen, 2014). However, digital learning environments and how they can pedagogically support students’ well-being remain, in many respects, an unexplored area (Ruokamo et al., 2016; Lewin & Lundie, 2016). Moreover, pedagogical assessment, including how it can support students’ academic well-being, often lags behind the latest technological developments (Spector, 2014; Popenici & Kerr, 2017; Bates et al., 2020; Holmes et al., 2019; Luckin et al., 2016).
This research systematically reviews the literature relevant to study-related burnout and academic well-being in digital learning environments. It is done by surveying articles published between 2012 and 2021. First, the findings suggest that there is a body of studies focusing on certain dimensions of study-related burnout. Second, students’ well-being in digital learning environments is less studied and relies mostly on emotional achievement theory and research on academic emotions. Finally, supporting students’ academic well-being through digital assessment is mostly enabled through formative assessment, but it is moving toward artificial intelligence and game-based assessment. Thus, more research is needed on the subject.
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