“Going hybrid on a dime”

Insights for transformation in education toward sustainable quality development


  • Kristen Snyder mid sweden university
  • Michael Johnson
  • Karolyn Snyder




Hybrid Schooling, Digital culture, Attractive quality, Transformation in education


This study contributes to research on Quality in Education and examines what possibilities now exist for schools to reinvent and transform using technology-based systems as part of the equation. It is speculated that the pandemic has changed the future of work emphasizing hybrid solutions and networking. The purpose of this article is to present findings from phase two of the qualitative case study to examine what happened to a private school when it went “hybrid on a dime” to maintain attractive quality education.


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How to Cite

Snyder, K., Johnson, M., & Snyder, K. (2023). “Going hybrid on a dime”: Insights for transformation in education toward sustainable quality development. Seminar.net, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/seminar.4762


