Gamified App-based Well-being Interventions for Children and Young People: A Systematic Literature Review
well-being, App-based Intervention, Children and Adolecents, GamificationAbstract
This study examines gamified app-based well-being interventions (GABWI) for children and adolescents. It aims to guide app developers and policymakers in designing human-led and peer-supporting well-being interventions at a comprehensive school. The study explores these interventions’ features: goals; background theories; and gamification strategies. PRISMA systematic literature review guidelines were applied, and sixteen studies from 2017–2022 were analyzed.
The results underline that interactivity is essential for engaging children and adolescents in well-being apps, but offline connections in interventions are also necessary. Moreover, the study emphasizes the holistic approach including the combination of physical and mental aims in GABWI, and a strong theoretical background of interventions. The study showed that Self-determination Theory is prevalent in GABWI. However, Social Cognitive Theory may enhance tailored support, particularly for students with special needs. The study is situated in the context of Finland, considering the specific curriculum and health needs. Despite Finnish young people’s high overall fitness level, about 40 percent of pupils have low physical capacity, and a third of girls and a fifth of boys at the end of comprehensive school perceive their health as average or poor.
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