Platanlønn, Acer pseudoplatanus, 1948-2023

59.862785°N 5.562311°Ø




Artistic research, art didactics, woodwork, craft, analogue photo, photo emulsion, arts and crafts, deep ecology


This essay is part of an artistic research project, in which I have used my experiences from felling trees, wood and metal work, outdoor life, and analogue photography to explore the following problem: How can a deep ecological perspective on one's own creative practice of photographing, felling, and processing a tree help to understand the sense of melancholy that accompanies this work? The creative work has consisted of photographing, felling, and processing a large sycamore, a blacklisted tree In Norway, to which the title refers. I developed one of the photographs on a large board that I cut out of the thickest part of the trunk. This board was exhibited together with a bronze plaque I cast which reads Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, 1948-2023, 59.862785°N 5.562311°E, surrounded by photographs of the sycamore's own seeds and trees growing close to it. Five short texts representing different approaches to the problem were presented together with the pictures, and it is these texts that have been expanded into this essay. The project is inspired by artistic expressions in literature and visual arts that thematize environmental destruction and man's relationship with nature. Together with Roland Barthes' thoughts on the photograph as a sign and Arne Næss's relational understanding of the self, these have challenged me as an art teacher to rethink my own practice as a teacher and craftsman.

Author Biography

Kjetil Sømoe, Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Kjetil Sømoe underviser i kunst og håndverk på lærerutdanningen, årsstudiet og masterutdanningen Master i Kunstfag ved høgskulen på vestlandet. Han har særlig fokus på tre- og metallsløyd, foto og 3d-teknologi i sin undervisning og kombinerer teknikker frå disse områdene i sitt eget skapende arbeid, slik som i prosjektet som er presentert i dette essayet.


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Fotokunst Platanlønn Acer pseudoplatanus



How to Cite

Sømoe, K. (2023). Platanlønn, Acer pseudoplatanus, 1948-2023: 59.862785°N 5.562311°Ø. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 12(1).



Articles, peer reviewed