Research Innovation: Advancing Arts-based Research Methods to Make Sense of Micro-moments Framed by Dementia


  • Lilli Mittner UiT - Norges arktiske universitet
  • Rikke Gürgens Gjærum UiT - Norges arktiske universitet


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

arts-based research, situated art intervention, aesthetic analysis, practice-led research, dementia


In this article we discuss how to develop methodological tools to guide social innovation in the arts and health movement. We approach this question by making research within Artful Dementia Research Lab as transparent as possible by (1) describing study designs 2) presenting arts-based datasets, and 3) giving insight into what we define as aesthetic analysis. We outline four premisses of situated art intervention research and what it can add to practice-led research.  We close with an invitation to the reader to further discuss how to make arts-based research methods more visible and bringing them to the table of established research standards.


Lilli Mittner, UiT - Norges arktiske universitet

Lilli Mittner er forsker ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning, Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning

Rikke Gürgens Gjærum, UiT - Norges arktiske universitet

Rikke Gürgens er professor og viserektor ved UiT - Norges arktiske universitet


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Photo from inside a church showing a circle of seated people seen from above. ©Thomas Rolland/ADLab




Hvordan referere

Mittner, L., & Gjærum, R. G. (2022). Research Innovation: Advancing Arts-based Research Methods to Make Sense of Micro-moments Framed by Dementia . Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 11(1).