Re-storying SDG 14: life below water



Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Sustainable Development Goal 14, oral storytelling, multispecies storytelling, dramatic empathy, care ethics, salmon


In this text the focus is on re-telling multispecies stories about life below water, and the specific focus is on how to tell such stories, which awake moral agency in humans to care what happens with life below water. Sustainable development goal (SDG) number 14 Life below water concerns about “conserving and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”. To be able to achieve the goal there are created ten targets to create action for sustainable future. All ten targets are closely related with human use of life below water as a resource for own needs. What about thinking water as home for many living creatures and life below water as something we humans could have an empathic relationship with? The text suggests that the use of dramatic empathy in multispecies storytelling practice is close of the strategies of feministic care ethics where other-directedness and openness to difference may create empathic relationship with the other, which is essential for achieving attitude change and moral agency for more sustainable future.       


Heli Aaltonen, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Heli Aaltonen is professor of drama and theatre studies at Department of Art and Media Studies at NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


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A woman dancing on stage, an actor on colourful clothing and a guitarist with a hat




Hvordan referere

Aaltonen, H. (2023). Re-storying SDG 14: life below water . Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 12(2).