A window of opportunities: Composing a relational space for living and telling sustainable stories to live by




Emneord (Nøkkelord):

neglected narratives, sustainable stories, substance addiction, recovery, narrative inquiry


This article is based on experiences with the Dreamcatchers, a project involving people living with substance addiction, and their significant others, in which the participants composed and explored narratives through creative, collaborative processes. In the article, we think with a narrative composed by one of the participants in the project to learn from her experiences. Our thinking is inspired by narrative inquiry as a way of thinking about experience. We understand the playful and imaginative narrative processes within the Dreamcatchers project as composing sustainable stories to live by. The Dreamcatchers project demonstrates the necessity of involving people living with substance addiction in naming the problem and in the search for possible and sustainable solutions or improvements.

Cover photo: Jerzy Gorecki, Pixabay, open use license


Mette Bøe Lyngstad, Western Norway University of applied sciences

Mette Bøe Lyngstad is professor in drama and applied theatre at HVL, Western Norway University of applied sciences.

Bodil H. Blix, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway

Bodil H. Blix is professor at UiT - The Arctic Aniversity of Norway and professor II at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.


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A woman sitting in a broad window sill




Hvordan referere

Lyngstad, M. B., & Blix, B. H. (2023). A window of opportunities: Composing a relational space for living and telling sustainable stories to live by. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/ar.5337