Climate action and creative climate justice
DOI: (Nøkkelord):
climate justice, climate action, climate cultureSammendrag
The answer to SDG 13 Climate action in this special issue takes the form of a contribution that breaks with the academic genre and bypasses the established academic or artistic formats of the journal. Instead, this contribution opens the door to the climate activist movement, shining a light on the urgency of the hour and the issues that are paramount in the hearts of climate-engaged artists, educators and cultural workers. Klimakultur, a non-profit organization supporting and strengthening the climate and environmental ambitions of the arts and culture sector in Norway, has together with Rosendal Teater in Trondheim released what they call a Creative Climate Justice Guide. This publication serves as inspirational tool for climate action.
Cover image: Photo by Rosendal Teater and Klimakultur SA
Eggen, E., Forchhammer, J., Roberts, A.G., Solbu, I. R. (Eds.) (2023). Creative Climate Justice in Norway, an introductory guide / En innføring i Kultur og Klimarettferdighet i Norge. Rosendal Teater & Klimakultur SA.
UNDP. United Nations Development Program (2023). Climate Promise. Climate change is a matter of justice – here’s why. June 30, 2023.
Hvordan referere
Opphavsrett 2023 Erlend Eggen, Lise Hovik
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