Application and Autonomy: The Reach and Span of Contemporary Art Didactics


  • Boel Christensen-Scheel Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences



Aesthetics, as both a variety of practices and a field of research, has now begun a journey toward society and more applied thinking – that is, how can art, art thinking, and different forms of sensuousness interact with or interfere in societal contexts. In this special issue of InFormation we explore the frame of a possible contemporary art didactics, where knowledge production and dispersion in and through art and aesthetics are promoted. Here the qualities of responding to societal needs and challenges are negotiated with the particular qualities of art. The field of didactics is often tied to specific teaching methods, but can also be seen as a more general theory of learning. With the term ‘contemporary art didactics’, we want to propose a relational field of communication and interaction based on aesthetic activity and competence. In addition, we seek to emphasize the contemporary quality and engagement of this activity and competence. In this first article by the editor of the issue, some of the related discussions on application, autonomy and criticality are presented alongside a proposition to formulate certain specific art based qualities.


Boel Christensen-Scheel, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

Boel Christensen-Scheel is associate professor in aesthetics and art didactics at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Christensen-Scheel holds a Ph.D. in contemporary art and performance theory, and her field of interest mainly concerns art's relational capacities from bodily experience, epistemology and didactics, to more explicit political and ecological projects. She has translated Nicolas Bourriaud’s 'Relational Aesthetics' to Norwegian (Pax Forlag, Artes, 2007), worked as an art critic and more recently she has published an essay about Kjartan Slettemark's Nixon Series (Torpedo Press, 2010).




Hvordan referere

Christensen-Scheel, B. (2013). Application and Autonomy: The Reach and Span of Contemporary Art Didactics. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 2(2).



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