
Dette tidsskriftet tar for øyeblikket ikke imot bidrag.

Sjekkliste for innleveringen

Forfatteren må krysse av for at innleveringen oppfyller kravene som listes under. Innleveringer som ikke oppfyller disse, kan bli returnert til forfatteren.
  • Manuskriptet er ikke tidligere publisert, og er heller ikke til vurdering i noe annet tidsskrift (eller gi forklaring i feltet 'Kommentarer til redaktøren').
  • Manuskriptfilen er levert i Microsoft Word eller RTF filformat.
  • Så langt det går an er URL-adresser oppgitt til alle siterte kilder som foreligger på nett. URL-adressene skal være klikkbare (som for eks.
  • Teksten bruker enkel linjeavstand; 12-punkts skrifttype som normalskrift (helst Times New Roman); kursiv i stedet for understreking (unntatt i URL-adresser); bruker aldri fet skrift (unntatt i overskrifter: kursiv er ellers eneste uthevingsmåte); og alle illustrasjoner, figurer og tabeller er satt inn på rett plass i teksten.
  • Teksten følger formatkravene for stil og bibliografisk formatering, slik de er angitt i Forfatterinstruksen, som finnes i Om tidsskriftet.
  • Hvis manuskriptet sendes inn til en fagfellevurdert seksjon i tidsskriftet, er særinstruksen for å Sikre anonym Fagvurdering) fulgt. Forfatteren(e) bekrefter at alle relevante forskningsetiske vurderinger av manuskriptet er gjort, og sier seg villig til å redegjøre for dette på forespørsel. (Se også Retningslinjer fra de nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteer)


Authors must closely follow the guidelines and avoid other formatting than that which has been specified.

Pictures, figures, tables, endnotes and the bibliography should be presented in the manuscript file in the way in which the author wants them to appear. If additional tools are used to generate references, tables or figures (such as EndNote or Excel), the elements to be included must be made as simple and stable as possible.

Article requirements:

  • 500–1000 word abstract in English if the article is written in Norwegian.

  • 5–8 keywords in English.

  • Page size A4.

  • Font Verdana.

  • Follow the APA 6 style .

  • Notes should be footnotes, not endnotes.

  • Short quotes should be included in the main body of the text with quotation marks. Quotes that exceed two line shifts should be indented; this means that there must be an extra line shift both before and after the quote, and the text must be indented, without quotation marks.

  • Emphasis in the main body of the text must be made using italics, except for hyperlinks, which are automatically underlined.

  • The following font sizes and forms of emphasis:

Heading 1: 16 pt, bold

Heading 2: 12 pt, bold

Heading 3: 10.5 pt, bold

Keywords: 10pt, normal

Abstract: 10pt, italics

Indented quotes: 10 pt, normal

References: 10 pt, normal

When submitting contributions, the sender must also confirm that they have followed the checklist below.


Checklist for manuscript preparation

As part of the submission process, the author confirms that the manuscript meets the following criteria, and acknowledges that manuscripts that do not meet the criteria and follow the guidelines may be returned to the author.

  1. Information about the person's name and title does not appear in the manuscript, but is provided in an e-mail.

  2. The manuscript has not been published previously. Neither has it been submitted to another journal for consideration (alternatively give an explanation in the field "Remarks to the editor").

  3. The manuscript file has been delivered in Microsoft Word.

  4. As far as possible, URLs have been provided for all sources quoted that are available online, also those that provide access to Open Access versions of the source. The URLs must be hyperlinks (such as Date read.

  5. The text follows the format requirements regarding style and formatting of bibliographies listed in the Guidelines for author submissions, under "About the journal".

  6. If the manuscript is sent to a peer review-assessed section of the journal, the special instructions on securing anonymous peer review have been followed. The author/s confirm that all relevant research ethics assessments have been made of the manuscript, and are willing to account for this upon request. (Also see the Guidelines from the national research ethics committees)


Declaration on copyright

  • The author/s will keep their copyright and right of reproduction of their own manuscript, but give the journal a permanent right to 1) present the manuscript to the public in the original form in which it was digitally published and 2) to be registered and cited as the first publication of the manuscript.

  • The author itself must manage its financial reproduction rights in relation to any third-parties.

  • The journal does not provide any financial or other remuneration for contributions submitted.

  • The journal is under an obligation to archive the manuscript (including metadata) in the form in which it was originally published digitally in at least one suitable openly-accessible long-term archive for digital material, such as the Norwegian universities' institutional archive within the framework of the NORA Norwegian Open Research Archives.

  • Readers of the journal may print the manuscripts presented under the same conditions that apply to reproduction of a physical copy. This means that mass reproduction of physical copies or production of copies for commercial purposes is not permitted without the agreement of the author/s.


Declaration regarding personal data

The names and e-mail addresses submitted to this journal and Web site will only be used for the purposes indicated for the journal or those that follow froms a valid court order, and will not be made available for other purposes or to unauthorized parties.

Erklæring om personvern

Navn og e-postadresser som skrives inn til dette tidsskriftet og nettstedet vil kun bli brukt for de formålene som er oppgitt for tidsskriftet eller som følger av gyldig rettslig pålegg, og vil ikke bli gjort tilgjengelig verken for andre formål eller for uvedkommende.