Does International Student Exchange Contribute to Educating Teachers We Need in a Multicultural Society?


  • Vera Berg Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences



The purpose of this article is to present a study of some student teachers’ outcome of their international exchange, focusing on multiculturalism and the students’ intercultural education. The article is based on a quantitative study over three academic years. The study is a survey of the students’ knowledge, thoughts, and feelings before and after their stay abroad. Most of the answers to the questions in the survey are consistent from one year to the next, and there is no significant difference from one country to another. Consequently, the results may apply to any teacher-training institution. According to the data from the study, the benefits derived from student exchange are numerous and contribute to forming the teachers we need in a multicultural society. 




Hvordan referere

Berg, V. (2016). Does International Student Exchange Contribute to Educating Teachers We Need in a Multicultural Society?. FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice, 3(2).

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