New journal

Conditions for inclusion in our portfolio of Open Access Journals

The OsloMet University Library publishes Open Access journals exclusively.

  1. The journal must provide easy reading access to articles, without requiring registration or login
  1. The journal must select a Creative Commons License in accordance with Plan-S. The CC-BY license is the preferred license for Open Access journals.
  2. As a rule, the journal must have an academic connection to an institute or a faculty at OsloMet. However, we can enter into operating agreements with Open Access journals from other Norwegian academic institutions into our OJS environment.
  3. The journal must have access to sufficient resources and networks to run the journal in an appropriate manner. This includes human and economic resources to handle editorial work, peer reviews, copyediting and finalizing documents, etc.
  4. The journal should aim to be included in the Norwegian register for scientific journals, series and publishers, as at least a level 1 journal.
  5. The journal should aim to be indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. In addition, we recommend that you try to qualify for the DOAJ Seal of Approval, which demonstrates best practice for Open Access. This is not a requirement, however.
  6. The journal must utilize the DOI identification system for their publications, in addition to establishing routines for including DOIs in the references, when available. The University library covers all the costs pertaining to DOI and assists with necessary training and facilitation.
  7. The journal must establish routines for quality assurance and universal design in accordance with EUs Webdirektiv (WAD) ( This entails adhering to WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1.

Enquiries and inclusion of new journals in the portfolio

Enquiries concerning starting a new journal can be directed to and are processed by the head of knowledge management and the library director.

Based on the conditions listed above, as well as exchanges with the initiators, an assessment and a recommendation are sent to the library director, who makes the final decision on whether to include the journal in our portfolio.

An agreement on the use and operation of the publishing service from the OsloMet university library must be signed for each new journal.