Educating and Leading for World Citizenship
Through Technocratic Homogenisation or Communicative Diversity?
democratic Bildung, world citizenship, globalisationAbstract
Two perspectives on local and global societies, and therefore also on education, are explored and discussed in this paper. On one hand, society as a civilisation is producing an outcome-based discourse with a focus on marketplaces, governance, bureaucracies and accountability. On the other hand, society focuses on cul-ture through arts, language, history, relations and communication, producing a democratic Bildung dis-course. At a global level, I see those discourses shaping discourses of world citizenship and of global mar-ketplace logics with technocratic homogenisation. Those trends and tendencies are found through social analytic strategies in these categories: context of discourses, visions, themes, processes, and leadership.
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