Å velge bort læring i skolen til fordel for læring i praksis: En casestudie om veien frem til fagbrev via praksisbrev
vocational education and training, dropout, apprenticeship training, learner identityAbstract
This article focuses on the training practice scheme, a two-year apprenticeship scheme that was implemented as a measure to reduce dropouts from vocational education and training (VET). After completing a two-year apprenticeship, apprentices may continue their training to obtain a full trade certificate. In this article, we examine how the scheme contributes to inclusion in regular VET. Based on interviews with ten apprentices who continued their education and training in a regular apprenticeship after a two-year apprenticeship, and interviews with their supervisors in apprenticeship training, this article presents two case studies. The apprentices’ narratives about school reveal negative educational experiences, feelings of disengagement, failure and exclusion, leading both of them to withdraw from school and construct an identity as practically-oriented learners. During the first year of upper secondary education, both were offered a two-year apprenticeship in sales. The two case studies show how practice-oriented learning provided opportunities to experience success and mastery, a sense of belonging, and the feeling of being members of communities of practice. The article argues that these experiences contributed to a shift in the apprentices’ self-view and thereby created opportunities for learning and motivation to continue education and training.
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