Dansk Kan Kan tosprogede elever være ordblinde?
- Problematisering af ordblindhed og tosprogede elever i nationale danske politikker
Dyslexia, bilingual students, national policies, WPR, Danish public schoolsAbstract
Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading and writing difficulties (Elbro, 2021), but studies have shown that bilingual students diagnosed with dyslexia are underrepresented in Danish public schools (Gellert, 2009). This article examines how knowledge about dyslexia and bilingual students is represented and problematized at the educational policy level, as well as the premises and assumptions on which these understandings are based. This forms the basis for a discussion on how these problem representations may influence each other and impact the practices within the educational system, particularly regarding the pedagogical detection of dyslexia.
Based on policy researcher Carol Bacchi's WPR approach (What's the Problem Represented to be?) from 2009, I apply this methodological strategy to analyse national policies on dyslexia and bilingual students as represented on the Danish Ministry of Children and Education's digital platform emu.dk. Through the discursive practices reflected in the policies on emu.dk, the categories of dyslexia and bilingual students are constructed as separate categories and distinct areas of focus. Dyslexia is problematized as a neurobiological condition leading to phonological decoding difficulties, while bilingual students, in contrast to monolingual ethnic Danish students, are problematized based on assumptions about their presumed lack of linguistic and academic competencies. Regarding bilingual students' reading difficulties, an underlying assumption arises that bilingual students do not suffer from phonological decoding difficulties like their monolingual peers. Thus, bilingual students' reading difficulties are primarily represented and problematized in relation to Danish language proficiency and reading comprehension, rather than as dyslexia-related difficulties.
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