The Ethos of Citation in Qualitative Research Methodology




Framed through Kenneth Burke’s famous parlor metaphor, this article considers how decisions related to citation are foundational to scholarly communication, with particular emphasis on qualitative research logics. Each citation decision implicates academicians in complex rhetorical and ethical situations that have material impact on other scholars, students receiving curriculum, and even existential notions related to the very survival of ideas. Believing that the texts we produce matter—both as objects of care and material constructions in themselves—this inquiry walks through theoretical and practical considerations for citation. Additionally, this article incorporates writing activities, and three writing artifacts from contributors, into the text to explore simple ways to play with citation in the classroom and research.


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How to Cite

Kuecker, E. (2021). The Ethos of Citation in Qualitative Research Methodology. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 12(2).




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