Regarding String: A Theory-Method-Praxis of/for Co-compos(t)ing Feminist Hope


  • Carol A. Taylor University of Bath
  • Karen Tobias-Green
  • Julia Sexton
  • Joan Healey



String, regard, hope, feminism, posthumanism, feminist new materialism


This article explores string – what string does, makes possible, and makes happen –as lively matter in co-compos(t)ing human-nonhuman objects, bodies and space. Based on the happenings-doings-thinking generated from a recent workshop, and taking a line of flight with-from Haraway’s (2016) Staying with the Trouble, the article considers how string figuring co-compos(t)ings can work as a post-qualitative experimental feminist materialist/posthumanist research-creation practice which moves outside normative research methods. The article develops a stringly-thingly methodology to explore string figuring’s temporal and spatial possibilities, and propose a theorisation of ‘regard’ which works as a feminist materialist enactment of response-ability which makes better futures in the here-and-now become do-able and thinkable. The theory-method-praxis we propose is an orientation  of/for co-compos(t)ing feminist hope.


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Author Biography

Carol A. Taylor, University of Bath

Professor of Gender and Higher Education



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How to Cite

Taylor, C. A., Tobias-Green, K. ., Sexton, J., & Healey, J. (2022). Regarding String: A Theory-Method-Praxis of/for Co-compos(t)ing Feminist Hope. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(2).

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