Portal-time and wanderlines: What does virusing-with make possible in childhood research?


  • Jayne Osgood Middlesex University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9424-8602
  • Camilla Eline Andersen Norway Inland University of Applied Sciences
  • Ann Merete Otterstad Oslo Metropolitan University




This paper emerged from the forces of a pandemic that invited us to wrestle with what ‘virusing-with’ might potentiate in educational research-creation (Manning, 2016a). We sense the Coronavirus perform its agency on childhood in the Capitalocene in new, troubling, and sometimes hopeful ways. Research-creation has compelled us to dwell upon how virusing-with makes attuning differently to the world possible. We contemplate how virusing-with as concept and method holds the potential to disrupt and reformulate ways to undertake research and ways to conceptualise the child. Inspired by Manning’s (2020) recent work in relation to the child of the wanderline, we explore how multiple wanderlines take shape and interweave through research processes.  Through the curation of three threshold events we think-do qualitative research in ways that push ideas and practices about childhood in directions that attend to agentic relationalities between the human, non-human and more-than-human. We argue that practices of virusing-with in portal time provides space for coming-into-relations of differences (Manning, 2016a, p.11) as an ecology of practice that shapes how educational research might be conceptualised and practiced.


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How to Cite

Osgood, J., Andersen, C. E., & Otterstad, A. M. (2022). Portal-time and wanderlines: What does virusing-with make possible in childhood research?. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5138

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