Writing as PARTicipation: working towards in:tuition and intimating





Participation, intuition, intimating, undercommon, neurodiversity


This paper is a thought-experiment into the question, “How might we participate in the writing of this paper together?”  Having been both inspired and moved by Erin Manning´s beautiful chapter “Me Lo Dijo un Pajarito: Neurodiversity, Black Life and the University as we Know It’ (2020) we pick up the baton of moving thinking into how we can begin to work together to contribute to the reconceptualization of educational and research practices and specifically through practices of inclusion and participation within them. We do this with the starting point of our own participation in the writing of this paper.  We follow the faint line of two emerging techniques.  The first technique, in:tuition, emerges to help make operational a practice of participation that engages participants, students, us, on the register of the preindividual.  The second technique, intimating, works towards a notion of transindividual participation. 

We offer an immanent and processual approach to practice, involving a ‘(r)eaching toward one another, (in which) our individuations qualitatively alter our “individuality.”  With Manning, we work with ‘thinking-feeling (as) the transversality of all planes of experience in the immanent twist’ with the desire of twisting into new and socially just practices.


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How to Cite

Murray, F., & Gale, K. (2022). Writing as PARTicipation: working towards in:tuition and intimating. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5139

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