Editorial: Thought in Motion

Erin Manning’s Imperatives for Educational Research and Qualitative Inquiry





Edit from within! Become world! Value, don't evaluate! Lure the feeling! Know not what a body can do! Create with concepts! Make multiple sense! Affirm all that appears! Play the differential! Speculate! Engage relations of tension! Make the relations felt! Create degrees of intimacy! Propose! Transduce! Create affinities of purpose! Forget what you feel! Return the return! Transvaluate! Pay attention! Go to the limit! (Manning, 2008).

What does a philosophy produce? How might philosophy and methodology entangle, blur, respond, engage, interact, contradict, argue, provoke? Erin Manning’s process philosophy attunes researchers to the potential of difference. Manning grounds her philosophy in the notion that doing is thinking, that there is thought in the act, and that philosophy is an experimental practice that coexists with art; it is “pathfinding in the making” (Manning & Massumi, 2013, n.p.). Further, Manning posits that research and creation come together in their product, and the product is always ongoing, always becoming, always in process. Thought with qualitative inquiry, “the conjunction between research and creation […] make[s] apparent how modes of knowledge are always at cross-currents with one another” (Manning, 2016, p. 41).


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How to Cite

Flint, M. A., Cannon, S. O., & Toledo, W. (2022). Editorial: Thought in Motion: Erin Manning’s Imperatives for Educational Research and Qualitative Inquiry. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5140

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