
The potential of dwelling with our affective landscapes of research-creation





In this paper, I approach knowing as a spatial practice of dwelling with one’s affective landscapes of inquiry to think with Erin Manning’s idea of research-creation as immanent critique. ‘Landscape’ is re-defined in a nonrepresentational frame to include the various materialities with which we sense and see. To approach research-creation as a joint-action with the landscape, I turn to my native language, Finnish, in which being is referred to as pre-individual with the passive form of ‘to be’: ollaan. I build the argument by discussing my research with young people on their hanging out practices. Movement without destination, attuning to the landscape, can be taken as an energizing technique of relation: an encouragement to follow the call of the unfolding world. In this experimental way of being together, new worlds and selves emerge in encounters. ‘Hanging-out-knowing’ arises from moments of hesitation that challenge what is known.


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How to Cite

Pyyry, N. (2022). Hanging-out-knowing: The potential of dwelling with our affective landscapes of research-creation. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5151

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