A Cartographic Review of Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning with an Aesthetic Approach





Cartographic review, post-qualitative inquiry, new materialism, aesthetic approach, teacher educators, collaborative professional learning


Experimenting with innovative and creative ways to conduct a literature review aligns with the paradigm shift from qualitative to post-qualitative research, which is concerned with doing and becoming rather than being. The aim of this article is twofold: to unfold the process of a cartographic approach to conducting a literature review; and by exploring the literature to discuss what an aesthetic approach activates in teacher educators’ collaborative professional learning activities. Inspired by Deleuze and Guattari (1988)’s cartographic principle of the rhizome, and post-qualitative inquiry more generally, this review generates knowledge through connections of concepts across 21 international research projects from teacher educators that use an aesthetic approach in their collaborative practices. New components of professional learning are found by mapping-and-tracing entangled concepts. A discussion of encounters within an aesthetic approach to professional learning shows how the processes involved in a cartographic review generates new directions in thinking, such as becoming-professional.


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How to Cite

Boks-Vlemmix, J., & Aspfors, J. (2024). A Cartographic Review of Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning with an Aesthetic Approach. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.7577/rerm.5577

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