Literature cartographies

Reimagining methodologies through geographical found-poems in arts therapy




Cartographic review, found poetry, arts therapy, professional identity, literature review


If traditional literature reviews in academia tell stories of what is known about a topic, this article proposes a way to engage in this knowing differently through cartography, geography, and poetry, informed by Baradian theory. This writing details the creative method developed to think-with literature using geography as a mapping strategy, called ‘literature cartographies’. Through affective engagement with literature, geographical found-poems are presented that tell stories of how place shapes identity in arts therapy across the globe. The creative method of literature cartographies disrupts traditional literature review writing by inviting us to consider expanding how we tell and are affected by literature stories.


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How to Cite

Pears-Scown, N. (2024). Literature cartographies: Reimagining methodologies through geographical found-poems in arts therapy. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 15(1).

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