Improving Learning Design Using Learning Analytics in Relation to Study Experience
Learning analytics, learning design, study experience, higher education, student-generated dataAbstract
In higher education, the learner-centered approach faces challenges due to the growing number and diversity of students and the increasing complexity of course delivery. Study experiences, which correlate with academic achievement, may be enhanced through learning analytics. In particular, analytics can offer valuable, timely insights by collecting and analyzing data on the study experiences and student-related metrics. This allows teachers to gain understanding of students' psychological qualities, which are not typically inferred from standard learning management systems.
Our case study aims to demonstrate how the practical application of learning analytics (LA)-generated data on students’ psychological qualities can guide teachers in enhancing their instructional delivery and, consequently, enhance student experiences. Initially, we assess the reliability of data concerning students’ psychological traits and study experiences. Subsequently, we explore whether these data can provide insights for teachers that can lead to improved student experiences. Student experiences across two consecutive course implementations are compared to illustrate the potential of LA in informing teachers.
The results show that data can be collected reliably on students' daily academic activities and emotional states during the teamwork week. Preliminary findings from the spring term are shared with teachers, which indicate that the use of LA data can positively influence student experiences without requiring structural changes to instructional materials or course implementation. Although the study is not experimental, it provides valuable insights into specific methods of applying LA to inform teachers and enhance student experiences. Further research is needed to deepen the understanding of these applications.
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