Educational Expectations and Media Cultures


  • Petra Missomelius Leopold-Franzens-Univerität Institut für Psychosoziale Intervention und Kommunikationsforschung University of Innsbruck, Austria


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

media technology, expectations, learning, freedom, education, knowledge, participation, MOOC, industry, OER, media studies.


This article investigates themedia-supported educational resources that arecurrently under discussion, such as OERs and MOOCs. Considering the discursive connection between these formats, which is couched in terms of educational freedom and openness, the article’sthesis is that these are expectations which are placed on the media technologies themselves, andthen transferred to learning scenarios. To this end, the article will pursue such questions as: What are the learners, learning materials and learning scenarios allegedly free from or free for? What obstructive configurations should be omitted? To what extent are these characteristics which are of a nature to guaranteelearning processes in the context of lifelong learning or can these characteristics better be attributed to the media technologies themselves and the ways in which they are used? What advantages or new accentuations are promised by proponents of theeducation supplied by media technology? Which discourses provide sustenance for such implied “post-typographic educational ideals” (Giesecke 2001 and Lemke 1998)? The importance to learners, teachers and decision-makers at educational institutions of being well informed as far as media is concerned is becoming increasingly apparent.



Hvordan referere

Missomelius, P. (2014). Educational Expectations and Media Cultures., 10(1).


