E-learning for sustainable development - rationale, strategies, choices and actions. Experiences from the study programme MSc in Development Management


  • Sven Åke Bjørke Senior consultant/University lecturer Pedagogical Development Centre/Centre for Development Studies University of Agder, Norway



Emneord (Nøkkelord):

ICT-supported education, education for sustainable development, transformative pedagogy, collaborative learning, communities of practice, intercultural communication, quality online education


The concept of e-learning is vague. ICT-supported education, online education, distance education, e-teaching and e-learning – what is the difference? This article describes the differences and practical pedagogical consequences depending on the choices made and is based on a concrete example and experiences. Modern ICT-supported educational methods demand awareness of various classifications of knowledge when developing curricula and appropriate learning activities.

In the quest for a more sustainable development, there are now opportunities to leapfrog several stages. The education sector may jump directly to state of the art in e-pedagogy for building blended or purely online learning environments. To achieve this, investments in the training of teachers might be even more crucial than investing in the technology.



Hvordan referere

Bjørke, S. Åke. (2011). E-learning for sustainable development - rationale, strategies, choices and actions. Experiences from the study programme MSc in Development Management. Seminar.net, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/seminar.2406


